Movie Online The Wolf of Wall Street imdb tt0993846 DVD9 no login No Sign Up

Average Ratings 8,3 / 10. audience Score 1110982 votes. Jordan Belfort. release Year 2013. movie info In the early 1990s, Jordan Belfort teamed with his partner Donny Azoff and started brokerage firm Stratford-Oakmont. Their company quickly grows from a staff of 20 to a staff of more than 250 and their status in the trading community and Wall Street grows exponentially. So much that companies file their initial public offerings through them. As their status grows, so do the amount of substances they abuse, and so do their lies. They draw attention like no other, throwing lavish parties for their staff when they hit the jackpot on high trades. That ultimately leads to Belfort featured on the cover of Forbes Magazine, being called "The Wolf Of Wall St.". With the FBI onto Belfort's trading schemes, he devises new ways to cover his tracks and watch his fortune grow. Belfort ultimately comes up with a scheme to stash their cash in a European bank. But with the FBI watching him like a hawk, how long will Belfort and Azoff be able to maintain their elaborate wealth and luxurious lifestyles?.

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Cricky, lets start of with saying how long and drawn out this movie was. Gosh 3 hours to sit through watching a porn movie(basically) along side drug abuse and lying cheating behavior.
Quite a few people actually got up and left during the movie,maybe it got a bit to much for them seeing that you saw naked woman every couple of minutes.
Overall the movie glamorized greed. Sad part is there was only about 15 minutes of the whole movie that showed any consequence to this false immoral lifestyle. I feel the message of the movie was wrong and the movie could have had a lot more emotional impact if they had showed this lifestyle in a less glamorous way.

The Wolf of Wall Street is a film directed by Martin Scorsese, and stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie and Kyle Chandler, and revolves around the life of a man named Jordan Belfort, a charismatic stockbroker who turns his normal, everyday life into one of incredible riches, drugs and beautiful women, whilst engaging in illegal activities.
Martin Scorsese. God dammit, he's a bloody incredible director! I forget about him for a while, and then every couple of years, he pops up again with another fantastic film! The Wolf of Wall Street is one of his finest, boasting a fun and charismatic cast, a wonderful screenplay by the fabulous Terence Winter and an elaborate, irresistible story about greed, corruption and a whole heap of money!
Scorsese's direction, in my mind, is what makes this movie brilliant. In the hands of any less of a director, this film could have been an absolute mess. Thankfully, Scorsese brings life to this elaborate, smart film. The way he tells the story is captivating, with DiCaprio commonly breaking the fourth wall and delivering monologues to the audience directly. The camera never seems to cease in movement, giving this movie a life about it, and making you feel like the party, the fun, never stops at any point. Scorsese also allows a lot of long shots, which really add to the film. He gives DiCaprio time to shine as Belfort, as the camera rolls for seemingly endless periods of time without a cut. Again, with any other director, these touches to this film could have been compromised, could have made the whole picture into a disaster. But no, Scorsese delivers in every way possible.
DiCaprio gives one of the, if not his best, performances of his life. He's energetic, fun, and ultimately, becomes this character of Belfort. He completely throws himself into this absurd, strange world of rich tight asses, and holds the audiences attention for incredibly long periods of time. And surprisingly, DiCaprio is actually incredibly funny within this film! There were points where I laughed out loud thanks to DiCaprio's delivery! Jonah Hill, as well, gives a lavishly awesome performance as Belfort's right hand man, Donnie Azoff. Again, he dives in and becomes this obscene, strange character, and gives the performance of his career. Smaller roles include Margot Robbie, who plays Belfort's 2nd wife Naomi, who is perfectly cast! She's beautiful, strong and matches the role perfectly. Matthew McConaughey has another small role, but his is certainly memorable, and he performs brilliantly. There is certainly not a single role I can criticise, so I'll move on!
This film can very well be cut into thirds. The first two thirds of this film, the rise of the king that is Jordan Belfort, are easily the most entertaining, before the final third slows down and sends us on our way. The first act ushers us into this world of stockbrokers, and allows us to get our head in the game for this 3 hour long journey, before the 2nd act really picks up the partying aspect, and we get to see Belfort flaunt his sudden wealth around. It's wonderful, to be completely honest! Who the hell hasn't wanted to be rich? Because after this fun, awesome film, I certainly do! Seeing Belfort spend his money, and even discard it without second thought is honestly one of the most exhilarating things I've seen all year, for some unknown, strange reason! Seeing a rich person just do rich things is somewhat fun! It's exactly what I wanted from The Great Gatsby, instead of a stupid sappy love story that maintained the final hour. Fortunately, The Wolf of Wall Street never makes that turn, and stays fun and exhilarating for the vast majority of it's running time.
In it's final hour, the film takes a slower route, and begins to heighten the inevitable stakes. I'm going to avoid spoiling the entire film for those who haven't seen it, but I will say that despite the fact that the film turns a dangerous corner, I still enjoyed the ending. I appreciated where Scorsese took the film, and where he sent it off. It was a surprising change of tone, but one that I felt was completely necessary and didn't subtract at all from the rest of the film.
Ultimately, The Wolf of Wall Street is one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's DiCaprio at his more daring, at his finest. Jonah Hill at his finest. Scorsese at his finest! Who would've thought a 71 year old could make such an exhilarating, ecstatic movie? The film is funny, smart and very engrossing, and not for one second was I sucked out of the film. One of the best movies of the year, and one of the best of all time.

OMG its donna from neighbours. wow she's done well for herself. o. That we can stay for a drink always cracks me up🤣🤣🤣. This movie is truly something else 😂. I watched movie 10 times now I'm here to watch trailer 1st trailor😂... is here in and get a job. Definitely go see this movie with your parents. Perfect family movie. This scene had me dying 😂😂, cerebral palsy phase so fucked up its hilarious,I been fucked up before and been on the floor like that 🤣🤣🤣, great great actor. 1:26 you can see his log. Best scene. 2:27 when your boss yells at you and all the workers are homies. McConaughey appears for no more than 5 minutes, but he's unbelievable. Leo deserves an Oscar, as ALWAYS, that's why I think he will loose to that funny bastard.

Damnit, Leo keeps getting hotter and hotter with age... Movie Online A Wall Street farkas. I just realized i watched a trailer to watch a trailer. 9:23 is probably the most underrated part of the movie. Hey Academy, You think you can just shrug me off, huh? I'm comin' back for you. Sincerely, Leo. Online film wall street farkasa. THIS MOVIE WAS THE BEST MOVIE SEEN IN MY LIFE. I'll have what he's on! haha. Lmao this scene was hilarious. Damn Jonah hill is hilarious in this role. I never realized what a good actor he is until this movie and war dogs. I love how everybody fighting to hold in their laughter while Max is tearing Jordan a new one like a bunch of kids getting weak of one of their own gets in trouble.

The fishbowl thing was so odd. Was it kept at his desk? he thought “ya ill bring this big bowl of water near all the major electronics at my job”.


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